Yassine’s sports wheelchair changed his life

My sports wheelchair was kindly donated by Variety and it has totally changed my life. I no longer need to borrow or use my basketball club’s chair. I can practice and train whenever I want or need to. I’ve made new friends through wheelchair basketball. With my club, we travel to various places across the country to compete. I meet new people who also love wheelchair basketball. I only use my wheelchair for playing and doing wheelchair basketball training. With it, I can play games in the national league and train. I am very happy with my wheelchair and wouldn’t change it.
Wheelchairs are absolutely essential! Without mine, I won’t be able to play the sport I love. One day, I would love to represent my country and play at a higher level.
People sadly often get a lot wrong about people who use wheelchairs, they immediately assume that the person can’t walk which is not the case all the time. We need to break the barriers and stigma attached to wheelchair use.
I would like it if all places had wheelchair access. I would also love it if wheelchair basketball was promoted more, as it is a wonderful sport that can change your life for the better”.
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