Working with the Kartik Foundation, Access Interns aims to support young people with disabilities (with or without Educational, Health and Care Plans) to gain new skills and knowledge, and build their confidence and self-esteem. With bespoke hands-on experience in corporate internships and apprenticeship programmes, Access Interns helps young people prepare for a successful career.

Variety, the Children’s Charity’s Access Interns Programme Manager will pair young people with employers who are committed to providing the right environment that supports people with a range of disabilities.

We will support with interview preparations and deliver mentoring and job coaching sessions for young people to begin building their professional profile and take the next steps in their careers.

Programme Offerings

Corporate Internships

Duration: four weeks during the summer holiday.

Structure: rigorous and immersive internships within corporate settings.

Selection process: thorough application and interviews to ensure suitability.

Requirements: specific academic criteria to ensure a foundation for success.

Age restriction: 17*-19 years-old (you must be 18-years-old by the time the internship starts).

Bespoke Work Experience

Duration: one term during the academic year.

Structure: tailored work experience in collaboration with schools and employers.

Selection process: collaborative efforts with schools to identify suitable students across various industries.

Age restriction: 16-19 years-old.

Apprenticeship Support

Description: we facilitate disabled candidates into apprenticeships, offering support with applications and navigating the process.

Benefits: access to a wider range of career opportunities and hands-on training.

Support: guidance and assistance throughout the application process to ensure success in securing apprenticeship placement.


Access Interns is dedicated to overcoming barriers and creating exciting opportunities for disabled young people in the workplace.

This programme is suitable for young people with or without an Educational, Health, and Care Plan and who are studying at educational institutions, including mainstream secondary schools, sixth form colleges, and/or FE colleges in the UK.

To be eligible, young people must have additional needs in one of the following:

  • communication and interaction
  • cognition and learning
  • social, emotional, and mental health difficulties
  • sensory and/or physical needs

This programme does not require previous experience and/or knowledge.

Our Supporters

We work with organisations who believe in unlimited success in the workplace for young people with disabilities. Access Interns is dedicated to fostering immediate and tangible improvements in the lives of post-16 young people with disabilities. Our mission is to break down the barriers faces by disabled young people in the workplace and to give talented individuals the confidence and opportunity to kickstart their careers.

We are always exploring ways to expand our network and establish new relationships. These include employers across a variety of corporate industries, as well as other charities and organisations that share our aims.

For more information, please email Besme Al Al-Mudarris, Access Interns Programme Manager, at