The Superhero Tri is an inclusive triathlon powered by Marvel, where superheroes with disabilities can either tackle the course alone, or team up with a group of sidekicks to do the swim, cycle, and walk/run.

Team Variety was joined by three incredible families who made the most of the day and enjoyed the fully accessible site!

(l-r) Eliza, Heather, James, and Katelin with their Superhero Tri medals

10-year-old James has Down’s Syndrome, global developmental delay, and autism, and was given a bag of sensory toys by Variety. He was joined by mum Heather, and sisters Eliza and Katelin. Katelin did the swim, Eliza did the cycle, and James and Heather finished off with the walk.

The whole family were thrilled to be involved in such an inclusive event where all disabilities are accepted and individuality is celebrated. James was very excited to have completed the course, taking great pride in showing off his medal after he crossed the finish line!

Arlo with mum Amber, preparing to take on the run

Two-year-old Arlo was born with bilateral cataracts and now has no lenses in his eyes due to the necessary surgery. His dad, Chris, pulled him along in a boat for the swim. With Arlo a little nervous on his own, mum Amber got in the boat with him, leaving Chris to tow them both! Uncle Toby did the cycle with Arlo being towed along in a bike trailer with a bucket of snacks. Amber did the run with Arlo in his running buggy.

Team Arlo was joined by extended family on the day. Arlo had a wonderful time playing with the Variety flags and tidying up our stall by putting everything under the tablecloth!

(l-r) Lotan and Lanson with carer Sam, Levi with dad Paul, and Lucas with dad Michael, ready to start the cycle

Levi and Lucas (17) are twin brothers with severe epilepsy, autism, developmental delay, severe learning difficulties, and are pre-verbal, who were given sensory equipment by Variety. They were joined at the Superhero Tri by younger brothers Lotan and Lanson (5), dads Paul and Michael, carer Sam, and Team Variety supporter Darren.

The team divided and conquered the course, with a Superhero Tri representative completing the swim, Darren completing the run, and the family completing the cycle. Even with the brief downpour of rain as they finished the cycle section, there were smiles and laughter from the whole team.

Challenges and Community Partnership Officer, Sarah Phillips said:

I am so proud of all our fantastic superheroes and their sidekicks! Thank you to everyone who helped make this such a fantastic day.

Events like the Superhero Tri are crucial to making the world a more inclusive place. It was wonderful to see Team Variety – including some of our beneficiaries – have such an amazing day. There were smiles all round, which is what we strive for as a charity.

A huge well done to everyone who took part. We can’t wait for next year!

Arlo helping at the Variety stall