Noah Enjoys Safer Car Rides with his new Car Seat

Noah lives with his mum, Tracey. He loves water and swimming, and he enjoys visiting the sea creatures at Sealife. Noah is especially interested in sharks. He also likes to sing and dance to music all day long.
Noah is doing well in school, which he started in September 2022. He tries his best in his lessons and makes the most of his school days.
Noah has Klinefelter Syndrome, which means he has an extra X chromosome. As a result, he is taller than average, tires easily, and he has some neurological issues. Noah was diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome and Autism at the age of 18 months when Tracey noticed some delayed development.
Noah was also born with talipes (club foot) and has his feet in casts many times throughout the year to help correct his feet alignment. As a result, he cannot walk far as his feet begin to hurt.
Due to his Autism, Noah has no danger awareness. Given the chance, he will take his arms out of straps and run into the road if his hand isn’t held at all times. He is also a danger when using a standard seatbelt in a car as he cannot understand that he needs to keep it on to stay safe.
Noah must use a car seat on journeys. Tracey came to Variety, the Children’s Charity for help funding a specialist car seat when Noah outgrew his old one. The new seat means that Noah cannot release himself, allowing him to stay safe on car journeys. It also rotates, which makes getting Noah in and out of the car easier, particularly as Tracey has back issues.
Tracey said:
I have a very busy life. Noah needs support 24/7 and, being a single mum, it makes it very hard, but he is worth every minute.
Variety helped fund a car seat for Noah to make him safer. He had outgrown a standard car seat and he would take his arm out of a normal seatbelt. Now I can drive with confidence that he is strapped in safely and we don’t need to stop constantly on a journey.
Lots of people aren’t aware of what Noah’s conditions mean. They do judge him as being difficult. He faces challenges he doesn’t know how to control. I wish there were more awareness.
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