Ezzy’s Story

All of these conditions have an impact on Ezzy’s social life with her peers as well as her everyday independence. She struggles to fully extend her left arm and is unable to rotate her left hand. This compromises the fine motor skills involved in tasks like dressing, writing, holding things and personal care.
This year, Variety stepped in and helped fund a much-needed new lightweight wheelchair for Ezzy. This means she is now able to manoeuvre herself around, do what she likes and go wherever she likes – within reason! Ezzy has found a new lease on life and is able to enjoy things at her own pace. She is able to access her friends and social surroundings without needing the intervention of an adult to wheel her around.
Ezzy’s mum Esme highlighted how amazing it’s been to watch her daughter becoming independent. She also finds it so much easier to load the chair in and out of the car.
The fact that Ezzy is able to control her chair by herself means that her parents have a little more time with their other children, which is very important for family life.
Ezzy loves horses and dreams of one day going to the Olympics and competing for her country, either in dressage or cross country events. Ezzy being Ezzy, she wants to do both – and why not?
Mum Esme told us: “Thank you Variety for your generosity in funding Ezzy’s wheelchair. It is giving much-needed independence to our little warrior. To see Ezzy have greater freedom and access to the world around her is priceless.”
Ezzy herself explained: “Thank you Variety for my new chair. I love it so much, especially the horses on the side. I can go super-fast, but not so fast that mummy gets worried. I like it that I can go and see things on my own and I don’t have to ask for help. My chair makes me very happy. Thank you!”

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