Variety Hosts Their Inaugural Life Presidency Award Dinner

On Sunday, 6th October 2013, celebrities and guests celebrated the first Variety Lifetime Presidency Award Dinner in honour of Jarvis Astaire OBE, at Claridge’s in Mayfair.
Over 100 guests gathered in the ballroom of Claridge’s to pay homage to Mr Astaire for his years of service and contribution to the charity. Guests travelled from around the world to attend the dinner. Those that could not travel sent recorded messages to pay tribute to Mr Astaire on the occasion of his 90th Birthday.
Celebrity guests included the newly crowned Miss World, Cilla Black, Chaim Topol, Chris Eubank amoung others. A large group of Past Chief Barkers and Past International Presidents of Variety reunited in honour of Mr Astaire.
The evening included entertaining tributes from Tony Hatch, Bob the Cat Bevan, and an impromptu song from Ory Slonim and Chaim Topol. Young and talented musicians, Max Welford and Ben Atkinson, played Gershwin’s Preludes 1 and 3 to the delight of Mr Astaire and the guests.
Mr Astaire’s integrity, influence and passion for boxing, greyhound racing and multiple charitable works was remarked on in each tribute. A new Sunshine coach will be named in honour of Jarvis Astaire OBE.

Miss World (Megan Young), Julia Morley and Jarvis Astaire OBE

Tony Hatch on the piano

Tamy and Ory Slonim, Jarvis Astaire OBE

Chris Eubank and Jarvis Astaire OBE

Chaim Topol, Jarvis Astaire OBE, Ory Slonim – Singing a Tribute to Jarvis Astaire OBE

Jarvis Astaire OBE, Cilla Black, Sir John Madjeski OBE

Jarvis Astaire remarks

Bob the Cat performing
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