Odeon Put The ‘Fun’ In Fundraising For Variety

We are proud to have Odeon Cinemas as one of our corporate supporters and are always very impressed by their fundraising antics to raise money. Check out what some of the teams in Dunfermline, Kilmarnock and Silverlink have been getting up to in the name of Variety, the Children’s Charity!
Odeon Dunfermline held a special ‘Superheroes Sunday’ and raised an impressive £770 to split between their two nominated charities, Variety and the NSPCC. Members of staff dusted off their out of office hours costumes and Robin, Catwoman and Captain America were all seen on the premises as they sold cakes and other donated items.
There were some more Odeon cupcakes as the Kilmarnock team held a bake sale which raised £200, all proceeds from the sale helping to improve young lives every day.
The Odeon Silverlinks team moved out of the comfortable cinema surroundings to tackle the Three Peaks Challenge and raised over £1,000. Despite the wet weather, the team still showed off their Variety t shirts at the finish!
Thank you to everyone at Odeon – from the staff to their supporters – for their continued support of Variety, the Children’s Charity!
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