How to beat the ‘Blue Monday’ blues

It’s Blue Monday again, arguably the most depressing day of the year, a time when festive bills are supposed to land with a thud on the doormat, yet there are still a couple of weeks to go until payday.
While many people struggle with debt at this time, if you’re a family raising a disabled child, then you’re typically facing three times the cost of bringing up a non-disabled youngster, and are far more likely to be in financial trouble. Quite apart from Christmas, extra spending on special equipment, housing adaptations, trips to hospital, heating and laundry – among other things – creates a huge additional financial burden that can drive you into debt. In addition, the loss of income caused by one parent caring for a disabled child rather than working, can further exacerbate your financial woes.
Research shows that a total of 84% of families bringing up a disabled child are in debt, compared with only 47% of households in general. And shockingly, around 33% of families with a disabled child have been forced to take out a loan just to pay for food.
Variety is here to support families of disabled children as well as youngsters living in poverty. We want to ensure that you need never use your child’s Disability Living Allowance to pay off debt. If the festive season has taken a toll on your family’s finances, we’ve compiled a list of resources that might help.
- Contact have a dedicated debt counselling service for families with disabled children:
- Step Change offers free advice and support if you’re worried about money:
- Scope offers practical and emotional advice with debt:
- Debt Advice Foundation offers free, confidential debt advice:
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