Firpark Secondary School Receives Variety Coach
Despite having to overcome many difficulties, the pupils at Firpark Secondary School in Motherwell, Scotland were the happiest and most enthusiastic children to receive their brand new Variety Sunshine Coach.
Head Teacher of Firpark Secondary School, John Morley said:
‘All the pupils and staff are delighted with our new Sunshine coach from Variety Scotland. This coach will make a huge difference to the opportunities that we can provide our pupils for fun and learning.
The presentation was a wonderful event and the school would like to thank all the members of Variety Scotland who came to the school to spend time with us and share in our joy.
We would also like to extend our thanks to Walter Smith and Andy Walker who spent time signing autographs, having their pictures taken and chatting to pupils and staff. We all have great memories from the presentation and are delighted with the coach’.
The Coach was donated by John and his late wife, Tessa Fraser. The Fraser family have been outstanding supporters of Variety Scotland for many years, both as office bearers and sponsors. Their company, Tube Developments, have been extremely generous in sponsoring sunshine coaches and in helping the children in many ways. This is the third coach donated by them.