Staff and students of St. Thomas CE Primary School in Birmingham were thrilled when Bob the Builder turned up at the school with a brand new Variety Sunshine Coach!

The coach was funded by Crest Nicholson Regeneration, the residential developer behind Park Central in Birmingham city centre as part of its aim to help regenerate the local area.

Crest Nicholson is firmly established as a leading developer with a passion for not only building homes, but also for creating vibrant sustainable communities.

The Sunshine Coach will be used to extend learning opportunities for students at this very popular local school – a small multi-cultural school located in the heart of Birmingham’s inner city, catering for 193 pupils aged 3-11 years old.

Daniel said:

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank Crest Nicholson Regeneration for making this generous donation. The new coach will allow us to take whole classes of children into the community, enriching our creative curriculum and extending the children’s learning opportunities.”

Debbie Aplin said:

“Over the past 10 years, our dedicated construction team at Park Central has transformed the former Lee Bank area which was once renowned for its poor housing and social conditions.”

“Our aim was to do more than build new homes where people want to live – we wanted to ensure a long-lasting and sustainable community was created where people can grow, learn and enjoy their neighbourhood.”

“Crest Nicholson, our subcontracts and consultants, all pulled together to raise the money for this Sunshine Coach which represents our commitment to the schools and community and I hope pupils and teachers at St. Thomas enjoy the opportunities that their new minibus brings”.

Mike Haszko, deputy head of fundraising at Variety said:

“The generous donation by Crest Nicholson Regeneration is a recognition that working together with industry, we can all make a huge difference to children’s lives.The new coach will enable pupils at St Thomas’ school to get out into the community and expand their learning opportunities more than we can imagine.”