4Com support GB Junior Squad and Paralympic basketball hopeful

Bournemouth based Business Telecoms company 4Com are set to push their staff to the limit this Thursday and Friday (28th/29th November) by spending 30 hours riding, rowing and running in aid of the Wessex Variety Children’s charity.
Every year around Christmas time, 4Com staff selects a good cause to raise money for and this year will be supporting a young lad called Cameron Dadkhah. Cameron, eighteen years of age, has Cerebral Palsy and hasn’t been able to use his legs to stand or walk since birth.
Despite his disabilities he is very ambitious and competitive and has played wheelchair basketball for the Great Britain Junior Squad but now needs a higher specification sporting wheelchair so he has a continuing chance to be selected for the under 23’s Squad.
“I train around six days a week and get support with nutrition, diet and upper body fitness.” Said Cameron, adding “Having one of the top carbon fibre sports wheelchairs will really give me a great competitive edge and enable me to be the best at a sport I have loved since I was eight years old.”
The Southampton University student lives in halls of residents and travels on his own five miles using a manual wheelchair several times a week to train for the squad so not to inconvenience his parents. Saying; “It’s my responsibility to get to the gym and I don’t want my parents having to transport me everywhere I need to go, just because I have a disability. If it’s raining I get wet just like everyone else.”
“Cameron is a very confident, ambitious lad and will never want to put anyone out.” Said Ellie Dadkhah, Cameron’s mother, adding, “It’s so great that 4Com staff are putting so much effort to help buy him the new sports wheelchair which will keep his dream alive and make his life a little easier.”
When Cameron first started senior school he was assessed and placed in the bottom band, but due to shear ambition and determination not to let his disabilities get the better of him, he worked his way to the top, achieving three top A Levels grades in Law, Government and Politics and a B in Economics giving him a place at Southampton University studying Law, with the ambition of becoming a Barrister.
“When we heard that Cameron needed a new chair to help his chances at being selected for the U23’s GB Squad we were very happy to help out.” Said Dean Cartledge, Telemarketing Director at 4Com. “His story is one of courage, attainment and independence and one that can’t be ignored, we want to see him win a gold at the next Paralympic games in Rio in 2016.”
Over 80 4Com staff will be helping to raise the money over a thirty hour period using indoor training bikes loaned by Wattbike (wattbike.com/uk), rowing machines loaned by Concept 2 (www.concept2.co.uk)and running treadmills hired by the company.

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